This is obviously something that needed to happen so the player can get a better sense of the game they’re playing. The graphics look like you’re playing an old school Final Fantasy game. With Rune Factory you get a more RPG feel. You get a sense that you’re one with nature and it feels cartoony. The graphics in Harvest Moon are more homely.

The graphics for Rune Factory 4 is a step-up from previous entries of the series but it is still completely different from Harvest Moon. Throughout the game you can level up, craft new weapons and accomplish other things you typically find in most RPGs. Fighting itself is very fast-paced so if you see a monster you can simply run up and kill it. The player is able to equip a variety of weapons and explore the open world and fighting monsters. While Harvest Moon focuses mainly on raising animals and growing crops, Rune Factory takes it a step further by incorporating dungeon crawling and an RPG system. The gameplay for Rune Factory is leaps and bounds different than Harvest Moon. Through some unforeseen circumstances the player is assumed to be royalty by the residents of Selphia and because of that you must earn the respect of the citizens by doing work for the town and getting to know everyone. The player gets knocked out and thrown off board and ends up safely landing in a town called Selphia. The titular character (who you may choose to be either a male or female) is on board an airship which eventually gets overtaken by rogue knights. The storyline of Rune Factory 4 begins very similar to the other games in the franchise. You read correctly though, there is six entries to the franchise but for some reason this is dubbed the fourth.

While you can start out with any entry of the series (so long as you own the appropriate console) I’m mainly going to focus on the most recent entry – Rune Factory 4, which is available on the 3DS. In total, there are six Rune Factory games with a seventh still in development. Rune Factory is a spin-off of Harvest Moon and they are both developed by the exact same company. If you’re looking for a game that is similar to Harvest Moon but you want a little more to do – than look no further! Rune Factory is a spin-off of Harvest Moon that focuses more on the fantasy element. I don’t think you can really call yourself a Harvest Moon fan unless you’ve heard of Rune Factory. Top 5 Games like Harvest Moon #5 – Rune Factory 4 ( 3DS) If you want to check out older versions of the series then you can’t go wrong with Harvest Moon 64 or Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. If you’re looking into the games you could check out the relatively new ones like Harvest Moon: A New Beginning, Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley or Story of Seasons. You must take care of all of your animals if you wish to keep them healthy and in return you are able to make money by selling their produce. There are also random critters you can befriend which live in the wild, like turtles, penguins and bears.

Each game has their own set of animals like cows, chickens, llamas, goats, horses and even silkworms. The best aspect of Harvest Moon though is raising the animals. You may also choose what to call your farm, amongst other things. You can also choose to name your beginning pets which usually are your faithful dog and energetic horse. Once you begin playing you choose to be either a male or female. There are many Harvest Moon games that span across multiple gaming systems but the general storyline is always the same. The player begins the game as the titular character and discovers he (or she) has been given a farm. Harvest Moon is one of the greatest farm-simulator type games that has ever been released. And I’m still holding on to hope that someday there will be at least one more console Harvest Moon game, rather than them all being directly ported to the 3DS. It saddens me that Harvest Moon isn’t anywhere near as popular as it once was but the main thing is that the franchise is still alive. I’ve played every single version from the N64, GameCube, Wii and several of the handheld games. I have been a huge fan of the Harvest Moon franchise ever since I was a kid. As soon as I saw that this topic was available for me to write about, I quickly finished my previous assignment and started up this one.